Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall flavors and Christmas cheer

Ok, so I haven't posted in a few days, been kind of busy. But today was a great day for a run, so me and a good friend took a jog through this cute little neighborhood right by campus. It was the perfect temperature for a run too! Afterward, another friend and I hit up Whole foods, and I got a few great things! Here is a random picture of me and what I wore today. I was definitely feeling the whole cardigan, skinny jeans, and scarf look. I love scarves.

I am also in love with Whole Foods, and if I had enough money I would buy up the whole store! The samples get me too. I loved sampling the yummy oranges and blueberry scones! I ended walking away with an organic version of eggnog. I usually do not purchase organic products, but they had this out for sampling, and after I tried it, I couldn't resist!
I also came across some different kinds of granola that you scoop out into bags, and when I saw their Pumpkin granola, I had to get some. I have been snacking on it tonight, and it is fabulous. It is also great with a cup of coffee! Nothing better than the flavors of fall and Christmas! =)

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