Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So it has been a few days, but with registration officially done I can breath! And today may have been cold and icky, but for my weight training class today, we climbed the rock wall! And it was so much fun!
Just ignore the fact that my eyes look kind of squinty. Not sure why, but oh well. So this is me in my harness. Climbing can be incorporated with weight training in the since that you are using your arms and/or legs to pull all of yourself up. And you are sometimes moving side to side. But the main thing is using your body weight to move around. I will admit, I got half way up, saw where there were not many places to grab, and I sort of freaked myself out a little. So i went back down. But I will definitely be going back to accomplish my goal of making it all the way to the top. It was a lot of fun, despite my mini freak out. But that only gave me a new goal to improve, get better, and not to freak out when I don't see as many places to grab onto. I feel it in my arms already...but it was worth it!

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