Monday, November 7, 2011

Fall colors and a wonderful run

I am obsessed with fall. Literally, everything about fall I am in love with: temperatures, smells, even the changing colors of the trees. Unfortunately for Nashville, it took until now for almost every tree to be beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow. So today in my jog/run class we went on a 2.5 mile run and I got to see the most beautiful trees ever! Now, the picture above is not one I took. I didn't have time to get a pic of some of the trees on the route we went, but this tree is an example of the many trees I saw. These are the best runs because it's the perfect temps and you get to enjoy the beautiful colors of fall! For dinner, I decided to get a small Mediterranean Chicken salad from Quiznos. I am a sucker for these salads...they are delicious! This has small chunks of baked chicken, banana peppers, little bit of Parmesan cheese, and Garbanzo beans on it. I eliminated the black olives and cucumbers...I am not a fan of those. But here is a picture of what I had.
yum-o! I promise there is lettuce in there too! They always put a good amount of lettuce in their small salads! I enjoyed this quite a bit, but I enjoyed the day much more in all of its fall beauty!

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